After stumbling across a 30 Day Journaling Challenge on Twitter (courtesy of @ReeseRyanWrites), I've decided to jump in with a big SMASH. Instead of journaling, I am going to be blogging. Hopefully some of you may join me with either journaling or just jotting down some of thoughts, too.
My little man turned two, not really, but yesterday we had a party for him. And I have to say, the preparation for the party had been pretty crazy. Looking back, not only was the madness of getting things together worth it, I feel so fortunate everything went down the way that it did. The company, the day, weather and everything else was picture perfect.
We are so fortunate to have close family and friends who
care about our children as much or more than we do. It meant the world
to Kim and I to have people come from as far as Puerto Rico and all over
New England just to celebrate Jackie's second birthday. That kind of
personal sacrifice to spend a beautiful Saturday at a baby party did not
go unnoticed. Kim and I really appreciated it.
Take a look below at the video that was playing at the
party. The pictures show a small snap shot of Jackie's second year of
life. Because his party was before he turned two, I'm adding the
pictures from the party below, too. You should also the songs playing in
the video are Jackie's favorite.
Finally, it's worth noting that Jackie had a
tough time going to sleep. There was excitement bursting from every pore in his body. He finally crashed with trains in his hands and a smile on his face.