Sunday, August 9, 2015

Crown of Three Book Review

In this coming of age tale, we see Tarlan, Elodie, and Algulphus more often referred to as Gulph fulfill a prophecy. After being whisked into safety they all have their own harrowing tales of survival. One's a prisoner in plain sight, another is a glorified gypsy (traveling minstrel), and another grows up in the frozen wastes of a long forgotten realm. The story quickly moves along and we are thrown into each characters POV and where they are in the world.

As Tarlan, Elodie and Gulph follow their destiny, each has their world turned upside down. Relax, I won't put in any spoilers. Let's just say the rug gets pulled out from each of them and their eyes are open to the world and they are faced to make big decisions that will impact the future of Toronia.

Overall, I thought Crown of Three was a good book. It was refreshing to see a thirteen year old actually act as the gullible thirteen year old that they are. It was even better to see that they weren't awesome at everything just because they are fulfilling a prophecy. Too often in children's fantasy novels, the main characters are experts with the sword, the bow, leading people, they rarely make mistakes and leave the battlefield unscathed. So it was nice to see characters struggle, it seemed realistic and it kept me reading.

I was hoping to use this book as a read aloud for my 4th grade students in school at the beginning of the year. Reading the jacket the book seemed like a great way to get the students excited about reading books. After reading the book from cover to cover, book but I don't think this would be the best choice. Although the book has challenging vocabulary for a 4th grader I thought the fact a couple of characters get decapitated, main characters meet their doom as if George R. R. Martin was the author, some students may find the story a little too intense. This would be a better read aloud when we study fantasy later in the school year and the students have grown up a little more.

Questions I was left with after reading:

-What are the three realms? Are they Isur (the city of Idilliam is located within the realm, also the location of castle Tor which the country Toronia gets its name from), Ritherlee, and Yalasti or Icy Wastes (maybe this is a barrier keeping people from the mountains called Yalasti)? Safe to say I was a little confused.

-Was the purpose of some characters to set the stage for upcoming books? For example, Palenie and her explanation of her village, Stown and all of his cronies.

-How do people know about legends (magicians) and mythical beasts (tigrons and thorrods)? Should the reader know about these things too? I felt like I was missing out on something.

- world building
- good pace
- 13 year olds act like 13 year olds
- incredible cover art

- background knowledge for the reader
- chapter titles needed character names to show POV we'd be reading from
- no map, it would have been a great help for 9-13 year olds to have something to refer back to since three characters are off in the different and often confusing realms of Toronia.

Hoop Dreams Fulfilled Book Review

I've recently read the book Hoop Dreams Fulfilled: An Athlete's Failures and Redemption on His Journey to Professional Basketball by Tyson Hartnett. Take a few minutes to read the review below, watch the trailer and check out Tyson's website. Any athlete who has felt that all odds were against them will be able to relate.

For more info check out Tyson's website:

Hoop Dreams Fulfilled: An Athlete's Failures and Redemption on His Journey to Professional Basketball 
by Tyson Hartnett

It is impossible to read this book and ignore how your passion shaped your life. Whether you’re passionate about golf, sewing, reading, drawing, gardening, scrap booking or collecting cats, this book will resonate with you. This authentic account brings you through: Tyson the Boy, Tyson the Young Man, Tyson College Athlete, Tyson the Lost, and Tyson the Professional.

After reading this account of Tyson, I’ve come to realize 3 things about myself:

1. I wasn’t alone even when I felt some of those same feelings in my basketball career,
2. I am truly happy with the decisions I’ve made in life, and
3. I’d be lost if there was no basketball in my life.

People need to hear and be exposed to Tyson’s story. It’s great being recognized by your family and peers for something you've put your whole heart and soul into. It feels wonderful being heralded as the best. And nothing compares to the joy you feel when you know you’re on your way to achieving your goal.

But what’s the cost?

Tyson showed by committing himself to earning a D1 basketball scholarship he distanced himself from friends because many people didn’t match his work ethic. Tyson showed the other side of the coin, the business of athletics. Tyson showed the ugly truth of not living up to someone else’s expectations. Tyson showed what it’s like not being able to live up to your own expectations.

Although it was a couple years prior to Tyson, I went through many of the same basketball camps, AAU tournaments, D1 program and various agents to get contracts to play basketball overseas. I can say that Tyson’s account is more than authentic. It’s heart breaking. Reflecting on the book, Tyson had so many people in his corner to support and assist him achieve his goals, yet, he seemed utterly alone and unprepared throughout the journey.

When I was reading I couldn’t help but ask my Kindle how could his parents let all of these bad things happen to him? If Tyson were so committed, dedicated and focused, why would he do stupid things to jeopardize his progress towards being a successful basketball player?

Although Tyson didn’t say these words, the point was made loud and clear. Everyone needs balance. In fact, it was my biggest take away from reading this gripping account. I want to know where were his parents.

Overall, this book was interesting and authentic. Would I recommend this book to someone? Of course I would. Not because I feel like I know Tyson, but because his message is clear. No one is going to hand you anything in life. You need to out work the person next to you. Grab life by the horns and hold on because it’s going to be a bumpy ride. Be satisfied knowing you gave your best effort. And above all, good things happen when you work hard, bad things happen when you don’t.

I Suck at Girls Book Review

I Suck at Girls by Justin Halpern

It's safe to say this book isn't informative, humorous, hilarious or even entertaining. It's all of those things and more. Reading Justin's story was like watching Dumb and Dumber for the first time while laughing and muttering to myself, "Is he seriously going return those magazines?"

To start, we find Justin going home to seek advice from his father before asking his long time girlfriend to marry him. Outside of his father's expletives (for those who don't appreciate those kind of choice words), horrific (at times) accounts of his interactions with women, I felt he was hopeless. I rooted for him, at one point I even silently hoped she'd say, "No," so there would be another book. After all I can relate to his experience about popping the question. What if she says no? What then?

I really did enjoy the book and I'd recommend the book to anyone in need of remembering how awkward it could be to talk to girls in middle school, oh wait, he was awkward through his 20s and so was I.

Check it out on Goodreads: I Suck at Girls

Check it out on Amazon: I Suck at Girls

Other works by Justin Halpern, Sh*t My Dad Says