Tuesday, March 22, 2011

To-Do Lists

Does having a to-do list actually help? I seem to think so. Most of the time I feel I spend my time procrastinating in making them so I end up having a to-do menu. Some of the items that have made it off my menu lately include: resume, school work and dinner. I am pretty sure I'd never skip dinner.

But seriously, lately I am beginning to feel that my to-do list should really become my 5 year plan. That's what I'm beginning to think how long it is going to take to get some things done. To make it through the next couple of months will be the easy part. If it were 6:32 pm my father would say,"It's minutes to 7." I think he was trying to say that time waits for no one, so just do it now! 

I'll end with a quote from my beautiful wife,"Worrying is like a rocking chair, its gets you no where fast."

Saturday, March 19, 2011

New Beginnings

Spring is approaching fast and my grad school is coming to and abrupt end. When something ends, something new begins. That means with the spring fast approaching and graduation around the corner, I should put the pedal to the metal in my job search efforts.

First Day

This is my very first blog. I am actually very excited about this and I can't wait for feedback. I should have much more experience with this because of the technology age, school requirements, etc. but today I take a leap into the unknown on my own.

Today there happens to be reason for celebration. My wife went wedding dress shopping with her future sister-in-law and mother. It is exciting for the whole family but especially me. It's exciting for me because I will no longer be the "new" guy in the family. Although it has been enjoyable being the latest addition to the MacElhaney/Connelly family, it is much better when there is someone who is greener than you. Wouldn't you agree?

Sometimes with the good comes the bad. Some of the bad news I heard late this evening relates to my former high school basketball team. For you all that know me, you know how much I enjoy playing basketball. My alma mater was playing in the state championship game today and they lost by 8 points. Although the game was close, they played the entire game from behind. However, they still have next year...

and reader, you will have too will have to wait until next time.