Wednesday, June 24, 2015

100 Miles

My goal this summer vacation is to run 100 miles. For some one with my running abilities it may sound like a lot. But, it really isn't. I've got 67 days to do it. In order to hit the goal, I have to run at least a mile and a half everyday. 

I've already began running and I have 97.1 miles left. That's right, it says 97.1. Yesterday I ran 1.3 mile loop and today I ran 1.6 loop.
Every tenth of a mile counts. Every step counts. My mantra already is, "Put one foot in front of the other." There is no way I am going to short change myself. I simply can't afford to!

I guess there are going to be a bunch of trips to Lake Quannapowitt. It's flat and I do flat courses really well. Maybe I should look into getting some new running sneakers to avoid any problems with my feet or legs.

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