Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Bumps, Cuts and Bruises

The first time I chipped my tooth I was in the second grade, at least I think I was. For 1st and 2nd grade I had the same teacher. So two years of my life are blended together. Anyways, I have had many accidents since then that have caused me to chip my 2 front teeth. Some of the ways I have chipped my teeth include: falling while ice skating, one-on-one basketball with my big brother, eating a piece of toast, grinding my teeth when I was sleeping, elbow to the face when playing basketball, dodge ball to the face, and baseball to the face just to name a few. Each time I chipped one of my teeth I often thought, "Why don't other people chip their teeth as often as me?" I am still searching for that answer.

Most of my teeth injuries are related to sports (even the grinding of my teeth was probably the result of having a sports related dream). I did chip my tooth on toast. That may not sound sports related but it was right after a long basketball tournament where I am sure it was loosened up by someone else. It happened to be the week before Junior Prom. Although most people who sustain the same recurring injury discontinue the behavior that is causing the injury in the first place, I simply do not follow that frame of thinking.

October 14, 2011 (click to see the picture) I was in the emergency room dealing with one of the many cuts I have received while playing basketball. Since then, my face has never looked the same. The scar is a constant reminder to me each time I look in the mirror. I think to myself, "Don't play down to the level of your competition, always play above it." During the game where I got my latest gash, I took a couple of plays off and BOOM!!! an elbow to the face left me with 6 stitches above my lip 2 days before my wedding. 

Obviously I have issues with falling or being hit in the face. The connection of chipping my teeth and having minor catastrophes before important life events must mean I am a clumsy-in-your-face kinda person. Regardless if I get injured through adversity or sports, I'm going to keep doing what I love.

Thinking back to each time I was hit in the face I have realized that attacking life head on is not the same as attacking it face on. Maybe I should use some caution or just protect myself better. Whatever I do I have to to remember that if life or sports gives me bumps and bruises, they will heal themselves. If life or sports lead to stitches, broken bones and chipped teeth, they can get taken care of by a doctor.

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