Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Back Pain and Ibuprofen

I have done 24 days of Insanity. The pressure I've put on myself to complete Insanity has not helped me get through. I've been able to create new excuses that I had never even done when i was training for basketball.

With that being said, I am beginning to feel a lot of the same pains I used to have when I played college basketball. It begins with back tightness when I wake up, then evolves into my knees cracking after prolonged motionlessness, and finally hip flexor immobility if I am not moving athletically throughout the day. Man it stinks getting old.

I've digressed from my point but it is essential that you know the types of excuses I make for myself. It gets even harder for me when I look across the room and see pictures on the wall of me smiling. I look so happy, and just before I work out, those pictures don't encourage me. Why you ask. Because that Chris in the pictures doesn't have any ailments that can quickly turn into excuses to not work out. That Chris is relaxing on vacation without a care in the world. Where as this Chris is having heart palpitations contemplating how I am supposed to get through Shawn T. screaming at me.

What has helped me get through the workouts has not been a pain reliever. It isn't even the pressure from posting on social media. Believe it or not, what gets me through the work out is knowing that once I start, I am that much closer to being done.

Now I've got to get my mind right so that my disposition to begin the workout is positive and energetic. What is it that Dale Carnegie said? "Happiness doesn't depend on any external conditions, it is governed by our mental attitude. I need to make the mental change."

So that is what I'll do. The inner coach is going to blossom and come out of hibernation. I'll keep you updated on his progress.

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