Thursday, October 1, 2015

SMASHbook Day 1 Challenge

Day 1: About Me

I've written About Me's so many times I could almost do it without putting too much thought into who I am. With writing About Me sections for my students, their parents, on a resumé, and on my website, I feel like an About Me professional.

To make this About Me standout, I've decided to go away from telling about my Jamaican parents and leave out who I was as a basketball player. Instead I am going to focus on what is most important to me, my children.

About Me:

Jackie and MJ are my world. I'd do anything I could for them. Growing up I had always wished to have a family. I thought I'd love my children but I never knew why though. To me, parents loved their children because they were around them for such a long time, and, they were supposed to. Now that I am a parent love has a new meaning.

Getting married I learned love meant bringing out the best in someone else. Having a children taught me love means being selfless. Their happiness means more than my own happiness. Their discoveries are my discoveries, too. The more I think about it, the more I love my children.

To know what's most important About Me and who I am today can be summed up in one word: father.

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